Realitoy is a journey to find what is real, a quest for belief & meaning in life.
The alternate realities of today’s immersive games and the online personas of social networks present us with the option of living within our illusions. We are learning to see what we want to see. In effect reality is becoming a toy. And we are becoming detached in the process.
Realitoy is the documentation of semi-imaginary events. Individual works present scenarios based on a recollection of real or imagined events as well as on overpowering influences such as film & television.
An overriding theme of the project is traveling and its assertion of independence. Through incorporating historical references an aspect of time travel is explored. This connection to the past attempts to momentarily free the viewer from the present.
A nostalgic look at self-discovery and conquest in America is the basis for everyday events one might witness on a road trip. Split second glimpses seen while traveling by car provide departure points for a fragmented story-telling process.
The places we’ve passed through. The places we will pass through. The places we would have liked to pass through.
The people we have seen. The people we will see. The people we would have liked to have seen.
In the search for what is real.